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HomeTPG Star Pin

The "Star Pin" is a longstanding tradition within The Professional Group, symbolizing the outstanding dedication and contributions of our members. Since its inception in 1993, the Star Pin has been passed along monthly, symbolizing recognition of outstanding commitment and service within our community. Over the years, this tradition has evolved to a quarterly basis, continuing to honor those who embody the spirit of TPG. The recipient of the Star Pin is chosen by the current holder, who selects someone they believe exemplifies the core values of TPG, their proactive approach to getting things done, and their role as an esteemed member of our community. It's a testament to their commitment, leadership, and willingness to go above and beyond in supporting TPG's mission.

The current Star Pin awarded to members

How the Star Pin Award Embodies Our Mission and Objectives:


The Star Pin award encourages active participation and engagement within our community. By recognizing individuals who contribute significantly to TPG, we generate enthusiasm and interest among members, fostering a sense of belonging and connection.

Through the Star Pin award, we acknowledge and celebrate the unique strengths and contributions of our members. By empowering individuals to recognize their value within our community, we cultivate a culture of motivation and support, enabling each member to reach their full potential.

The tradition of the Star Pin award reflects our commitment to upholding the mission of TPG over time. By consistently recognizing and honoring individuals who embody our values, we reinforce the enduring relevance and forward-looking nature of our organization.

In essence, the Star Pin award is a tangible manifestation of TPG's mission to engage, empower, and endure. It serves as a beacon of inspiration and gratitude, guiding our members towards meaningful connections, personal growth, and lasting impact within our community. 

Join us in honoring the recipients of the Star Pin award and celebrating their exceptional achievements within TPG.

TPG Star Pin Recipients



Karen Brown



 Carla Vigilante
Sandy Dahlke
Heather McConnell

Angela Vabulas
Sabrina Gartler
Anne Swanson
Nikky Lawell

Kristie Manning
Christina O’Neal
Cheryl Watkins

Amy Lawch
Deb Korkmas
Rhonda Parker
Heather McConnell

Shirley Downing
Pam Longley

 Claudia Ruggiero
Kate Gabriele
Norma Garza
Marianne Spencer

Lauren Mitsakis
Danika Cline
Teresa Doyle
Dayna Burnett

Corine Prieto
Sally Andrews
Kim Jenkins
Mary Magin

Angela Vabulas
Teresa Doyle
Melissa Okonski
T. J. Jeter-McAvoy

Mary Fairbrother
Cindy Jennings
Not Passed On
Amy Smith
Anne Swanson
Rhonda Parker
TJ Jeter-McAvoy
Cat Webster
Martha Raymond
Kathleen Fenninger
Lynda Broussard
Sandra Crook

 Glenda Clerc
Linda Whittington
Pam Moore
Pat Hogan-Korge
Theresa Sewell
Julie Barry
Pam Longley
Donna Howell De-Pew
Jessica Rodriguez
Pat Leith
Sarah Ward
Trish Strangmeyer-Felt

Susan Yancey
Donna Howell-DePew
Kay Boyd
Cheryl Garcia
Sasha Crabtrey
Barbara Stewart
Mary Magin
Kathleen Knolle
Liana Hillendahl
Karen McCullough
Cindy Jennings
Anne Swanson

Jane Brennom
Dorcas Ross
Maureen Sanders
Berkeley Arrants
Teresa Doyle
Kathy Long
Sue Howard
Jennifer Colby
Leslie Randall
Anne Tomlinson-Hill
Sonya Scott
Shirley Downing

Shirley Downing
Jackie Pierson
Amanda Pifer
Catie Colby
Pin Repaired
Sarah Ward
Jan Forrester
Barbara Staley
Pam Longley
Martha Raymond
Amy Lawch
Trish Rumble

Patti Mayberry
Abbie Brothers
Laura Morales
Danielle Texera
Angela Vabulas
Callie Shields
Karen McCullough
Susan Howard
Leslie Randall
Dinah Wright
Nancy Gray
Jennifer Colby

 Sally Andrews
Betty Bellomy
Deb Korkmas
Jenifer Saucier
Leona Urbish
Kay Hieronymus
Kim Kelley
Joyce Greenfield
Jo Henschel
Jackie Verity
Kathy Rapp
*not passed on*

Liz Spencer
Jane Luco
Candace Marullo
Cherry Wolfarth
Carla Vigilante
Brenda Hahne
Ann O’Connor
Ann Houston
Kathleen Knolle
Angela Leary
Martha Raymond
Kathy Schench

Marilyn Drane
Jan Domenico
Maureen Sanders
*not passed on*
Pam Moon
Jane Lehto
Nancy Wilfong
Leona Urbish
Nan McCreary
Amy Lawch
Mary Fairbrother
Leslie Randall

Teresa Graham
Pam Moore
E.T. Thompsen
Kendra Mahoney
Felecia May
Vickie Simons
Pat Bajenski
Maureen Saunders
Jane Brennom
Dinah Wright
*not passed on*
*not passed on*

Mary McGivern
*not passed on*
Kathy Long
Lori Siegel
Sharron Mapel
Martine Myers
Ann O’Connor
Mary Kay Kitchens
Ruth Seiler
*not passed on*
Sandra Berry
Susan Ashley

 Kathy Gibson
Glenna Pierpont
Barbara Marcus
Joyce Greenfield
Joan Gallagher
Jane Brennom
*not passed on*
Ann O'Connor
Gale Evans
*not passed on*
Joy Stapp
*not passed on*

Nan McCreary
Pat Hogan
Sandy Dahlke
Betty Bellomy
Margie Poole
Kendra Mahoney
Haleh Liittjohann
Kathy Long
Pamela Huewitt
Marilyn Drane
Lil Sheldon
Deb Schindler

Marilyn Drane
Cameron Vann
Lori Siegel
Nancy Wilfong
*not passed on*
Susan Missiha
Danielle Shield
Kim Kelley
Brenda Hahne
Diane Schillaci
Susan Ashley
Joyce Klejbuk

Sarah Ward
Pat Hogan Carcana
Kathy Renfro Schenck
Sue Finley
Lori Valencic
Susan Missiha
Jane Brennom
*not passed on*
Brenda Hahne
Glenna Pierpont
Diane Wells
Peggy Williamson

*not passed on*
Marlena Berger
*not passed on*
Nikky Lawell
Kathy Lussier
Susan Smith
*not passed on*
*not passed on*
*not passed on*
*not passed on*
Judy Barnes
Ann O’Connor

 Ann O’Connor
Betty Bellomy
Lori Valencic
Julie McCulloch
Pat Hogan
Joy Stapp
Sandy Dalke
*not passed on*
Lorry Harju
Karen Smith
Nancy Conlin
Debra Schindler

Susan Ashley
Kendra Mahoney
Joyce Klejbuk
Karleen Koen
Ora Harrison
Jan Domenico
*not passed on*
Carol Bornstien
Mary Ryder
Jane Mulholland
Susan Smith
Shannon Burdett

Nancy Goldesberry
Kathy Gibson
Amy Lawch
Gale Evans
Kathy Fenninger
Vickie Simmons
Kathleen Knolle
Nancy Wilfong
Kathy Long
Mary Raines
Allison Younger
Jan LeBlanc

Susan Yancey
Connie Burke
Lynn Lounghney
Diane Wells
Deborah Rose
E. T. Thompson
Linda Chase
Jo Katherine ’Ambrosio
Beth Champion
Nancy Ferraira
Sue Liska
Martha Skow

Pat Hogan
Barbara Staley
Maria Korn
Nancy Wilfong
*not passed on*
Diane Martindale
*not passed on*
Allison Younger
Jean Marie Doel
Diana Carfello
Iris Robinson
Paula Howe

Elaine Ousley
Kelley Burhans
Sandra Hammit
Kay Corder
Pat Chandler
Karen Icenhower
El Matha Wilder
*not passed on*
Pam Wilson
Barbara Marcus
Sue Finley
Glory Green

Beth Champion
Beverly Graham

The tradition of the Star Pin began in November 1993. In December of 2006, the original Star Pin was irreparably damaged and was replaced. In 2016, the decision was made to award the Star Pin on a quarterly basis. In 2020, due to the Covid Pandemic, the Star Pin was only awarded 2 times.

The purpose of The Professional Group is to provide women of diverse professions with opportunities for building relationships and networks of personal and business associations through informative monthly presentations, professional development programs, educational and social activities, and philanthropic endeavors.

For questions about The Professional Group, contact us at: